Thursday, February 28, 2008
If you are presented with a text type code/language which you are unable to understand, enter it in the site and it will give you a variety of relevant translations! I now feel very confident with a variety of fings I never understood! lol
It is simple, concise and doesn't take long at all... give it a whorl, or save the site for when you will need it!

flickr does have the many of the common adaptations of modern creating personalised merchandise such as photo books (which I think are really cool), simply printing out your photos, creating large prints, calendars etc. However, I am not sure how New Zealand friendly production is...
flickr would be useful if you were wanting links from blogs, wikis or to share your images around the world.
Check out the Whangaparaoa College flickr pages...
I have one word of warning, which I think will be a regular from me, when ever you are choosing to share personal items, such as photos etc, think very carefully how you label/tag them, and what peronsal information you are prepared to share with the rest of the world. People don't realise how easy it is to track information and it would be very scary to find out someone you don't know, knows far too much information about you, as well as what you look like...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Slideslide has been established with the modern ideals of communication and collaboration made easy. Imagine, instead of uploaded a large PowerPoint type file into your blog or wiki, you simply embed a HTML code.
You could consider the aspect that you are expected to share your PowerPoint files with the web as a negative, but considering also that you are prepared to share them on your own pages, this in reality is not really a negative. Once you have uploaded your files to Slideshare, you are given a HTML code, which you simply embed into your own page. This in turn means you are not storing huge files on your own pages - and everyone knows this is a bonus!
Slideshare also has a huge variety of slides avaliable for you to embed into your work... if you are not able to create what you are looking for, instead of reinventing the wheel, see if someone else already has!!! Good luck and happy embedding
Monday, February 25, 2008
Webster's Online Dictionary