Monday, March 31, 2008
Google Page Creater

Friday, March 28, 2008
Here's something new and exciting... the kind of thing we've seen for years, and often wondered how others did it... and low and behold, some kind person has designed a site that is idiot proof and now anyone can make these cool personalised and instructional video's if they want too!
I have made one my first Voki, and placed it on my wiki... but I did have issues... I do think they were my laptop and our Internet security not wanting to upload the script... so I had to type my words in, which was disappointing, but I also intend on having this issue addressed!
I have made another Voki, in order to show you... so have fun, follow the links and see what you can come up with... feel free to let me know what you create!!!
Get a Voki now!
Find a story... Map a story... Create a story...
This website really supports learners who are not interested in writing, gives them another aspect of motivation and development... I would highly recommend it as a teaching tool. It takes them through planning and implementing a story - which in turn allows learners to give their work meaning.
Breathing Earth
Kids love it... you are able to create wicked class discussions, and this could lead into much follow-on work, incidental learning or simply introduce a term's topic. Breathing Earth is brilliant when studying sustainability, Environment etc... or simply want to give ideas for motivation in writing...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Learners must write on their blogs a minimum of three times a week. This becomes their primary home learning. Learners are given options of what they can write about - motivational ideas on a daily basis...
- Today we watched a web 2.0 safety clip on YouTube today, and they were sent home to write a review of the clip onto their blogs.
- Learners are allowed to create stories, let their minds run free.
- Learners can complete their course work as home learning and simply publish what they have done in class.
- Learners can share Web2.0 information, ideas, books reviews - basically anything (but if they are sharing something like a video clip - they must write a paragraph review).
- Learners can write about their own thoughts and ideas - but in a safe manner
Blogging brings in opportunities to discuss and implement ideas regarding personal safety on line. I am currently working on gathering material to create an on-going unit regarding safety on line with Web2.0. I relate this to any interaction on line, not just school work.. and find YouTube to be one of my best friends! I will be posting more of my ideas regarding this online as this starts to evolve. I strongly believe it is something that educationalists and parents do not always realise the importance of and it can be over-looked at times.
New Zealand Book Council